Hosting is fun...

A jBloom Boutique

Host a jBloom Boutique in your home, online or in you area.

Hostess Exclusive

A PermaLinx Pop-up

Host a PermaLinx
Pop-up anywhere.

Invite your Friends

Boutique SalesAmt of FREE JewelryHalf-priced item(Ss)FREE GIFTS

jBloom Hostess Rewards can only be used on jBloom jewelry items, not on Chill Collection items, PermaLinx or any other types of merchandise.

Hostess FAQ's

We love our Hostesses! Below are some frequently asked questions by jBloom Hostesses to help you host a jBloom Boutique!

Who should host a boutique?
Everyone! jBloom boutiques are a fun way to connect with other women and share you jewelry and style ideas. The best thing about hosting a boutique is we reward you with FREE and discounted items! It's our way of sayong "Thank you!". Please check out our Hostess Rewards plan.

How do I find a jBloom Designer?
Find one of our amazing Designers in your area is easy! Go to Find Your Designer located at the top of the website!

What is a typical jBloom boutiques like?
A boutique is a fun, personalized way to connect with your friends! Learn their story and share yours with the help of our jewelry. You can host in-home or online and let you jBloom Designer create a boutique experience for you and your friends.

Pop-Up FAQ's

We love our Hostesses! Below are some frequently asked questions by jBloom Hostesses to help you host a PermaLinx by jBloom Pop-up!

What is PermaLinx?
PermaLinx is a permanent bracelets. anklets and necklaces that is custom fit to vou! PermaLinx bracelets. anklets and necklaces give vou the permanent seamless. no clasp look at an affordable price.

Where can I host a PermaLinx Pop-Up>
Anywhere. salons, boutiques, and other small businesses have had a huge success with Permalinx pop-ups. You can also host private PermaLinx events in your home, at a restaurant, or in the park!

How long is a PermaLinx Pop-Up?
A PermaLinx Boutique is a social event and its time range can vary based on how many attendees are present. Each bracelet takes between 3-6 minutes to put on. Set a personal appointment for approx 15 minutes each or set up a boutique with friends for 1-2 hours.

Is PermaLinx Welded?
No, the bracelet, anklet and necklace is connected with a small, secure link to give you the permanent, seamless, no clasp look.

Can I start my own PermaLinx Business?
Absolutely! We have a simple, easy system that can get your new PermaLinx business up and running in no time. Purchase your starter collection for only $175.

JBloom Designs